– Pharmacokinetics: Principles of Eliminations
1.1) One liter contains 1,000 mg of a drug. After one hour, 900 mg of the drug remains.
What is the clearance?
a) 100 mL
b) 100 mL/hr
c) 1 mg/ml
d) 100 mg
e) 1 mg/sec
1.2) To maintain a drug concentration at steady state, the dosing rate should equal the
elimination rate. Which of the following is true? (CL = Drug Clearance)
a) Dosing rate = CL + target concentration
b) Dosing rate = CL - target concentration
c) Dosing rate = CL * target concentration
d) Dosing rate = CL / target concentration
1.3) Which of the following is most useful in determining the rate of elimination of a
drug, in general?
a) Drug concentration in urine (renal elimination)
b) Drug concentration in stool (bilary elimination)
c) Drug concentration in blood
d) Drug concentration in brain
e) Drug oxidation rate
2.1) For first-order drug elimination, half-life t(1/2) is ____ at two places on the curve
and a constant ____ is lost per unit time.
a) Equal; Amount
b) Equal; Percentage
c) Not equal; Amount
d) Not equal; Percentage
2.2) For first-order drug elimination, given the half-life equation of t(1/2) = (0.693 * Vd)
/ CL, how many half-lives would be necessary to reach steady state (
≈95%) without a
loading dose?
a) 1 to 2
b) 2 to 3
c) 3 to 4
d) 4 to 5
e) 5 to 6
2.3) Which of the following is NOT a drug exhibiting zero-order elimination kinetics?
a) Aspirin
b) Morphine
c) Phenytoin