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It is the study of past events.


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is the reconstruction of past based on written records, oral history, cultural artifacts and folk traditions.


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s an umbrella termcomprisingpast eventsaswell as the memory, discovery, collection, organization,presentation, and interpretation of theseevents


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from his excerpts Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method(1950)The english word History is derived from the greek noun “()”, whichmeans learning.

Louis Gottschalk, istoia

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History as a culture is not merely a chronological reconstructionof thepastnor an analytical interpretation of past events, but a process of creationoraformation of culture, specifically a

Nick Jaoquin “national culture”

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By its most common definition, the word history now means,

“the past mankind”

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History gives us the opportunity to learn from others'

past mistakes

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History informs our () of theworld, bothpastand present.


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History is essential, because it helps us develop()in global issues


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History gives us the tools to analyze and explain () in the past.


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It is important because the past has animpact onus


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"We are not makers of history. We aremadebyhistory."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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"There is a history in all men's lives."

William Shakespeare

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“To foretell the destiny of nation, it is necessaryto open a book that tells of her past.”

Dr. Jose Rizal

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Is a place, person, or thing fromwhich something comes or can be obtained.


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are materials producedbypeopleorgroups directly involved in the event or topicbeingstudied.Primary sources is an original materials.

Primary source

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Examples of Primary Sources are:

- Diaries, eyewitnesses, photographs, letters, accounts, official documents, artifacts, material evidence,interviews, and sound or video recordings.

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are works that analyze, assess or interpret a historical event, era, or phenomenon, generally utilizing primary sources to do so.

Secondary sources

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Examples of Secondary Sources are

- Books, articles, scholarly journals, journal articles,speeches, reviews and research reports.

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All sources of historical data must be subjected to rigorous scientific analysis to determine both their authenticity and their accuracy. Furthermore, historical data are subjected to rigorous scientific analysis through ()()criticism (Gottschalk, 1969 in Biong and Grey, 2017).

external and internal

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