Most of the time, misinterpretations are a result of differences in cultural values according to
Spring, 2000
are very crucial and more often control how the message is understood more than the verbal cues which may be more indirect than direct
Nonverbal cues according to ●(Halverson & Tirmizi, 2008).
are less formal and relational harmony is valued and maintained as decisions are made.
high-context communities according to
Potential Areas for Misinterpretation in Intercultural Communication According to
Aj Schuler (2003)
Potential Areas for Misinterpretation in Intercultural Communication
1.Opening and closing conversations
2.Taking turns during conversations
4.Using silence
5.Using appropriate topics of conversation
6.Using humor
7.Knowing how much to say
8.Sequencing elements during a conversation
Skill Set for Intercultural Understanding
1.Know your biases and stereotypes
2.Tolerate the unknown
3.Practice cultural respect
4.Educate yourself
5.Be prepared for consequences
6.Relate to the individual, not the culture
It is important to note that culture is not merely limited to
Differences in culture may be determined by
gender, age, religion, education, position, political affiliation, etc.
●is an ever-evolving process.
Intercultural communication
●As cultures continue to grow, chang, adapt, and interact with each other, how people communicate will continue to change over time.
●As cultures continue to grow, chang, adapt, and interact with each other, how people communicate will continue to change over time.
No culture is?
better than the other and is perfect
It is only when people understand this concept that they can learn to adapt and interact with one another in a
Harmonious way
Each of the languages all over the world exhibits
can vary in vocabulary and grammar depending on the context it is used.
●Any language that exhibits (blank) as its users in a host of communication activities every day.
also known as a lect, according to sociolinguistics, refers to the distinctive form of a language.
Language variety
Lect has two broad types:
1) user-related variety and (2) use-related varieties (McArthur, 1992, as cited in Nordquist, 2017)
●Associated with the specific people who use it and naturally with the places where they live.
User-related Varieties
●Associated with function such as literary English (the language used in literary texts) or business English (the language used in business and corporate communication) and many others.
Use-related Varieties
English as a Foreign language (ex. many countries in Europe, Asia, & Latin Americas)
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