Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans
Of his life, little is known. Pythagoras (fl 580-500, BC) was born in
Samos on the western coast of what is now Turkey. He was reportedly
the son of a substantial citizen, Mnesarchos. He met Thales, likely as a
young man, who recommended he travel to Egypt. It seems certain that
he gained much of his knowledge from the Egyptians, as had Thales
before him. He had a reputation of having a wide range of knowledge
over many subjects, though to one author as having little wisdom (Her-
aclitus) and to another as profoundly wise (Empedocles). Like Thales,
there are no extant written works by Pythagoras or the Pythagoreans.
Our knowledge about the Pythagoreans comes from others, including
Aristotle, Theon of Smyrna, Plato, Herodotus, Philolaus of Tarentum,
and others.
Pythagoras lived on Samos for many years under the rule of
the tyrant Polycrates, who had a tendency to switch alliances in times
of conflict — which were frequent. Probably because of continual
conflicts and strife in Samos, he settled in Croton, on the eastern coast
of Italy, a place of relative peace and safety. Even so, just as he arrived