Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans
Pythagorean Mathematics
What is known of the Pythagorean school is substantially from a book
written by the Pythagorean,
(fl. c. 475 BCE) of Tarentum.
However, according to the 3rd-century-AD Greek historian Diogenes
La¨ertius, he was born at Croton. After the death of Pythagoras, dis-
sension was prevalent in Italian cities, Philolaus may have fled first to
Lucania and then to Thebes, in Greece. Later, upon returning to Italy,
he may have been a teacher of the Greek thinker Archytas. From his
book Plato learned the philosophy of Pythagoras.
The dictum of the Pythagorean school was
All is number
The origin of this model may have been in the study of the constella-
tions, where each constellation possessed a certain number of stars and
the geometrical figure which it forms. What this dictum meant was
that all things of the universe had a numerical attribute that uniquely
described them. Even stronger, it means that all things which can be
known or even conceived have number. Stronger still, not only do
all things possess numbers, but all things
numbers. As Aristotle
observes, the Pythagoreans regarded that number is both the princi-
ple matter for things and for constituting their attributes and permanent
states. There are of course logical problems, here. (Using a basis to de-
scribe the same basis is usually a risky venture.) That Pythagoras could
accomplish this came in part from further discoveries such musical har-
monics and knowledge about what are now called Pythagorean triples.
This is somewhat different from the Ionian school, where the elemental
force of nature was some physical quantity such as water or air. Here,
we see a model of the universe with number as its base, a rather abstract
Even qualities, states, and other aspects of nature had descriptive
numbers. For example,
The number
: the number of reason.
The number
: the first even or female number, the number of
The number
: the first true male number, the number of