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241- Flashcard

Useful for complex mixtures containing

compounds with widely different absorbance

ranges and for mixtures where peaks overlap

Diode Array Detector (DA)

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Detection is based on the scattering of a beam of

light by particles of compound remaining after

evaporation of the mobile phase

Evaporating light-scattering detector


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243- Flashcard

Usually used in the coulometric mode.

Electrochemical detector

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No distinction between this detector and an

electrochemical detector except that that the

detector has arisen largely as part of ion

chromatography and tends to be used in the

amperometric mode, where conduction of current

between two electrodes by an ionic analyte is

measured rather than current changes resulting

from oxidation or reduction of the analyte.

5. Pulsed Amperometric detector

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Detections is based on production of electrons

when the analyte is oxidised, which is the more

common mode of operation, or consumption of

electrons in the reductive mode.

4. Electrochemical detector

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Detection is based on changes of refractive index

when the analyte passes through the sample cell in

the detector, the reference cell being filled with

the mobile phase.

6. Refractive Index detector (IR)

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Typical pharmaceutical applications include the

analysis of cardenolides and aminoglycoside

antibiotics which do not have chromophores.

5. Pulsed Amperometric detector

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Like the ELSD, the RI detector is a universal

detector with even less selectivity than the ELSD.

6. Refractive Index detector (IR)

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It is a universal detector like RI and ELSD

detectors but is much more sensitive than these


Corona charged aerosol detector (CAD)

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Detection is based on fluorescent emission

following excitation of a fluorescent compound at

an appropriate wavelength.

7. Fluorescence detector

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A robust and selective detector applicable to

compounds exhibiting fluorescence and to

fluorescent derivatives.

7. Fluorescence detector

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Detection is based on nebulisation of the HPLC

eluent and then the nebulised analyte particles

pass a platinum corona discharge pin which

imparts a positive electrostatic charge to them.

8. Corona charged aerosol detector (CAD)

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Most useful for selective bioanalyses.

7. Fluorescence detector

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Easily () and precise sample introduction ensures quantitative precision


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is the chromatographic technique which has seen the most intensive development in recent

years, leading to improved columns detectors and software control


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The variety of columns and detectors means that the selectivity of the method can be readily


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Compared to gas chromatography (GC) there is () risk of sample degradation because heating is

not required in the chromatographic process.


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It is readily


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With the advent of () methods can be very rapid


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There is still requirement for reliable and inexpensive detectors which can monitor compounds

that lack a


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