Study Set Content:
261- Flashcard

Drugs have to be () from their formulations prior to analysis


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262- Flashcard

Large amounts or organic solvent waste are () which are expensive to dispose of.


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263- Flashcard

The combination of HPLC with monitoring by() provides an accurate, precise

and robust method for quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical products that is industry standard

method for this purpose.

UV/visible detection

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264- Flashcard

Monitoring of the stability of pure drug substances and of drugs in formulations, with ()

of any degradation products.


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265- Flashcard

Measurement of drugs and their metabolites in

biological fluids.

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266- Flashcard

Determination of () and () values of drugs and of drug protein binding

partition coefficients , pKa

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267- Flashcard


• Assay of adrenaline injection injection by chromatography with an anionic ion-pairing agent

• Assay of ascorbic acid by chromatography with a cationic ion-pairing agent and electrochemical


• Assay of ascorbic acid by hydrophilic interaction chromatography

• Assay of hyaluronic acid by size-exclusion chromatography

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