Alkaloidal salts
water soluble salt formula
R3N + HCl= R3NH Cl
Reaction to base Alkaloids will be liberated from aqueous solutions when combine directly with
Alkaloids form highly insoluble precipitates with reagents that contain salts of
heavy metals
R3NH Cl + NaOH = R3N + NaCl + H2O
R3NH Cl + NaOH = R3N + NaCl + H2O
Sources of errors in Assaying Alkaloids
Dragendorff’s reagent
Mayer’s reagent
Wagner’s reagent
Hager’s reagent
Dragendorff’s reagent
Mayer’s reagent
Wagner’s reagent
(picric acid) yellow precipitate.
Hager’s reagent
Preparation of drugs for assay
Weighing for assay:
The accuracy should be within 10mg for quantities equal to 5g or over
The alkaloid-bearing drugs are extracted with one of the following methods:
Afterwards allow the solvent to settle