In this collection, there will be a bunch of questions, you have to name the following muscles indicated by the arrows and describe their actions
This collection is useful for all medical, science, dental, and pharmacy students
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Action: Contraction
causes inspiration
(inhalation) by
increasing the
volume of the
thoracic cavity
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Levator scapulae
Action: Elevation of
the scapula
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Biceps brachii
Action: Flexion at the
elbow and supination of
the forearm
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Action: Internal
(medial) rotation of
the arm at the
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flexion or
extension of the
arm at the
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Flexor carpi radialis
Action: Flexion and
abduction (radial
deviation) at the wrist
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Action: Supination of
the forearm
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Action: Abduction of the
arm at the shoulder
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Psoas major
Action: Flexion of
the thigh at the
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Vastus lateralis
Action: Extension of
the leg at the knee