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41- Flashcard

The reducing sugar will reduce into the enediols by the reaction with Benedict’s solution. The reducing sugar gives

 green to brick red color precipitate

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42- Flashcard

The reducing sugar will reduce into the enediols by the reaction with Benedict’s solution. The reducing sugar gives green to brick red color precipitate depending upon the sugar


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43- Flashcard

The color change is due to the reduction reaction of

copper (II) to copper (I)

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The color change is due to the reduction reaction of copper (II) to copper (I) in the solution to form a

red colored precipitate

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45- Flashcard

The aldehyde formed is either

furfural  or hydroxymethylfurfural

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46- Flashcard

roduced by the dehydration of pentoses or pentosans


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produced by the dehydration of hexoses or hexosans


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48- Flashcard

Then the α-naphthol in the Molisch’s reagent reacts with the aldehyde and form

purplecondensation product.

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49- Flashcard

The color change is due to the reduction reaction of copper (II) to copper (I) in the solution to form a red colored precipitate, which is


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50- Flashcard

The sodium carbonate provides the alkaline condition or maintains the

alkalinity in the solution

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51- Flashcard

The color change is due to the reduction reaction of copper (II) to copper (I) in the solution to form a red colored precipitate, which is water-insoluble. The sodium carbonate provides the alkaline condition or maintains the alkalinity in the solution for the

redox reaction to occur

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52- Flashcard

The color change is due to the reduction reaction of copper (II) to copper (I) in the solution to form a red colored precipitate, which is water-insoluble. The sodium carbonate provides the alkaline condition or maintains the alkalinity in the solution for the redox reaction to occur. Sodium citrate binds with the

copper (II) ions

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53- Flashcard

The color change is due to the reduction reaction of copper (II) to copper (I) in the solution to form a red colored precipitate, which is water-insoluble. The sodium carbonate provides the alkaline condition or maintains the alkalinity in the solution for the redox reaction to occur. Sodium citrate binds with the copper (II) ions to prevent the reduction into

copper (I) during storage

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54- Flashcard

is also used for the analysis of reducing sugar

Fehling’s Test

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 is a chemical test used to detect reducing sugars.

Osazone or phenylhydrazine test

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This test even allows the differentiation of different reducing sugars on the basis of the time of appearance of the complex.

Osazone or phenylhydrazine tes

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57- Flashcard

 contains copper sulfate pentahydrate in 1L of distilled water

Fehling’s solution A

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contains potassium sodium tartrate and sodium hydroxide with 1L of distilled water

Fehling’s solution B

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In the Fehling’s test, a reduction reaction occurs in between the

aldehyde or keto groups of the reducing sugar and the alkaline cupric hydroxide

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60- Flashcard

n the Fehling’s test, a reduction reaction occurs in between the aldehyde or keto groups of the reducing sugar and the alkaline cupric hydroxide which on heating is reduced into

cuprous oxide

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