Study Set Content:
221- Flashcard

hydrogen bonds

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222- Flashcard

hydrophobic interactions

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223- Flashcard

• The quaternary structure found in some proteins results from interactions between two or more

polypeptide chains

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224- Flashcard

The quaternary structure found in some proteins results from interactions between two or more polypeptide chains — interactions that are usually the same as those that give rise to the

tertiary structure

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225- Flashcard

These interactions include

hydrogen bonding and disulfide bonds

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226- Flashcard

This quaternary structure locks the complex of proteins into a

specific geometry.

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227- Flashcard

 has four polypeptide chains


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228- Flashcard

here are two identical


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229- Flashcard

and two identical

β- chains

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230- Flashcard

is found primarily in skeletal and striated muscle which mainly serves as a store of O2 in the cytoplasm and deliver it on demand to the mitochondria.

Myoglobin (Mb)

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231- Flashcard

) is restricted to the erythrocytes which is responsible for the movement of O2 between lungs and other tissues

Hemoglobin (Hb)

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232- Flashcard

 is the prosthetic group found in Mb and Hb


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233- Flashcard

Iron +

protoporphyrin IX

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234- Flashcard

Oxygen-binding molecule


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235- Flashcard

Gives globin proteins their characteristic

red-brown color

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236- Flashcard

primary structure 153 amino acids


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237- Flashcard

Secondary structure Eight alpha-helixes


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238- Flashcard

primary structure 141 alpha-chain and 146 beta-chain amino acids


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239- Flashcard

Secondary structure Eight alpha-helixes for each alpha-chain and beta-chain


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240- Flashcard

Tertiary structure Folding of alpha-helixes


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