Study Set Content:
201- Flashcard

Composed of relatively few amino acids; water-soluble


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202- Flashcard

Hydrolytic products which have simpler structures than proteoses; soluble in water


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203- Flashcard

Decomposition of proteins to amino acid

PROTEINS-proteans-metaproteins-proteoses-peptones-peptides-amino acids

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204- Flashcard

• The primary structure of a protein is simply the sequence o

 amino acids comprising the molecule.

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205- Flashcard

• All proteins have a primary structure because all proteins by definition consist of a sequence of

amino acids

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206- Flashcard

The primary structure serves as the foundation upon which all higher levels of

protein structure build.

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207- Flashcard

H3N amino end

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208- Flashcard

amino acid subunits

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209- Flashcard

• It is possible for one peptide bond to form a hydrogen bond to another

peptide bond

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210- Flashcard

e α-helix, the primary structure twists into a tightly wound

 spring or rod-like structure.

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211- Flashcard

In the β-pleated sheet, or simply the β sheet, the primary structure is (blank) instead of tightly winding into a helix.


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212- Flashcard

is simply a bend in the primary structure held in place by a hydrogen bond.

hairpin bend

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213- Flashcard

gets its name because of the loose similarity of its shape to the Greek letter.


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214- Flashcard

• Both are found on the

 exterior of proteins.

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215- Flashcard

The overall shape of a protein is determined by its primary and secondary structures along with interactions between the

side chains

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216- Flashcard

The overall shape of a protein is determined by its primary and secondary structures along with interactions between the side chains. • This gives rise to what is called the protein’s

 tertiary structure.

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217- Flashcard

Tertiary structure

1. Covalent bonds

2. Hydrogen bonding

3. Salt bridges (electrostatic attractions)

4. Hydrophobic interactions

5. Metal ion coordination

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218- Flashcard

Elements of tertiary structure of proteins

1. disulfide bonds

2. hydrogen bonds

3.salt bridges

4.hydrophobic interactions

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219- Flashcard

disufide bonds

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220- Flashcard

salt bridges

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