Study Set Content:
81- Flashcard

replaceable liners

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82- Flashcard

micronized product outlet

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83- Flashcard

Vortex finder

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84- Flashcard

grinding chamber

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85- Flashcard

grind air or gas manifold

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86- Flashcard

has waterproofing characteristics retard penetration by the GI fluids delay drug dissolution and absorption

Mg stearate

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87- Flashcard

A surface-active agent aka


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88- Flashcard

A surface-active agent (“surfactant”), like

sodium lauryl sulfate

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89- Flashcard

A surface-active agent (“surfactant”), like sodium lauryl sulfate, facilitates (blank) by the GI fluids to overcome the problem


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90- Flashcard

After the hard capsule shell disintegrates/dissolves, the GI fluids must displace the air that surrounds the dry powder and penetrate the drug before it can be

dispersed and dissolved too.

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91- Flashcard


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92- Flashcard


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93- Flashcard


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94- Flashcard


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95- Flashcard


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96- Flashcard

Inserting tablets or small capsules into capsules is sometimes useful: ● To separate

 chemically incompatible agents

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97- Flashcard

To add premeasured amounts o

potent drug substances

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98- Flashcard

are usually placed in a capsule

Modified-release coated pellets

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99- Flashcard

What can be filled in SGC

1. Water-immiscible volatile and non-volatile

2. Water-miscible non-volatile ex. PEG, non-ionic surfactant (polysorbate 80)

3. Water-miscible and relatively non-volatile ex. Propylene glycol, Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)

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100- Flashcard

Water-miscible non-volatile

ex. PEG, non-ionic surfactant (polysorbate 80)

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