Study Set Content:
121- Flashcard

Sugar + water + alcohol


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122- Flashcard

Aromatics + water + alcohol


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123- Flashcard

Aromatics + water

Aromatic waters

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124- Flashcard

Extractives + water/alcohol


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125- Flashcard

What is the greatest advantage of solutions?

A. Very stable

B. Highly palatable

C. Fast absorption

D. Preferred by any age group

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126- Flashcard

Chemical substances dissolved in a suitable solvent or mixture of mutually miscible solvents


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127- Flashcard

solutions are


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128- Flashcard

solutions ROA

 oral, otic, ophthalmic, topical

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129- Flashcard

particle size less than 10^-7 cm

true solution

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130- Flashcard

particle size between 10^-7 cm and 10^-5 cm

colloidal solution

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131- Flashcard

Pros of Pharmaceutical solutions

 Rapid drug action

 Rapid drug absorption

 Dose uniformity

 Volumes of liquid can be measured accurately

 Easy to swallow

 Easy to manufacture than other DFs

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132- Flashcard

Cons of Pharmaceutical solutions

☓  Many drugs are already unstable → increased instability if in solution

☓ Poorly soluble drugs not suitable

☓ Bulky!

☓  Packaging material is more costly

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133- Flashcard

Important concepts about solvency

Greater # of polar group, greater

solubility in water

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134- Flashcard

Increase in MW of organic compound and without change in polarity

reduces solubility in water

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135- Flashcard

Salts of organic compounds. are more

soluble in water

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136- Flashcard

Organic bases are more soluble in

organic solvents

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137- Flashcard

Common solvents for liquid preparations

purified water

highly purified water

water for injections

sterilized water for injections

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138- Flashcard

used for the preparation of medicines that do not have to be sterile and apyrogenic

purified water

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139- Flashcard

used for the preparation of medicines where water of high biological quality is needed, except where water for injections is required

highly purified water

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140- Flashcard

used for medicines for parenteral administration. must be pyrogen-free

water for injections

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