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A minority becomes dependent and addicted, abuse is a very serious public health problem.


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The pharmacology of alcohol is (), and no single () mediates all of its effects. alcohol alters the function of several receptors and cellular functions, including GABA A receptors, Kir3/GIRK channels, adenosine reuptake (through the equilibrative nucleoside transporter, ENT1), glycine receptor, NMDA receptor, and 5-HT 3 receptor

complex, receptor

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Dependence becomes apparent () hours after cessation of heavy drinking as a withdrawal syndrome include tremor (mainly of the hands), nausea and vomiting. excessive sweating, agitation, and anxiety.


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Treatment of ethanol withdrawal is supportive and relies on


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Treatment of ethanol withdrawal is supportive and relies on benzodiazepines, taking care to use compounds such as(), which are not as dependent on hepatic metabolism as most other benzodiazepines.

oxazepam and lorazepam

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n patients in whom monitoring is not reliable and liver function is adequate, a longer acting benzodiazepine such as () is preferred.


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As in the treatment of all chronic drug abuse problems, heavy reliance is placed on psychosocial approaches to ()

alcohol addiction.

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This is perhaps even more important for the alcoholic patient because of the ubiquitous presence of alcohol in many

social contexts

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 is highly addictive (relative risk = 5)


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An alkaloid found in the leaves of (), a shrub indigenous to the Andes. Mainly as a local anesthetic and to dilate pupils in ophthalmology.

Erythroxylon coca

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is a water-soluble salt that can be injected or absorbed by any mucosal membrane

Cocaine hydrochloride

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Cocaine hydrochloride is a water-soluble salt that can be injected or absorbed by any mucosal membrane (eg, nasal snorting). When heated in an alkaline solution, it is transformed into the free base, "()", which can then be smoked.

crack cocaine

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 is rapidly absorbed in the lungs and penetrates swiftly into the brain, producing an almost instantaneous "rush."

Inhaled crack cocaine

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Cocaine increases the risk for

ntracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and seizures.

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Overdose may lead to

hyperthermia, coma, and death.

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Cravings are very strong and very high addiction liability o


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No specific antagonist is available, and management of intoxication remains


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Group of synthetic, indirect-acting sympathomimetic drugs that cause the release of endogenous biogenic amines, such as dopamine and noradrenaline.


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 exert their effects by reversing the action of biogenic amine transporters at the plasma membrane.

Amphetamine, methamphetamine,

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Once in the cell, amphetamines interfere with the (), depleting synaptic vesicles of their neurotransmitter content.

vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT)

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