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undergoing initial clinical (i.e., in humans) evaluation for a particular condition or



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undergoing bench or laboratory testing using animals or other models


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superseded by other technologies or demonstrated to be

ineffective or harmful


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systematic evaluation of properties, effects or other impacts of health technology

Health Technology Assessment

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structured analysis of a health technology, a set of

related technologies, or a technology-related issue that is performed for the purpose of providing input to

a policy decision

US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment 1994

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a field of scientific research to inform policy and clinical decision making around the introduction and

diffusion of health technologies

Health Technology Assessment International 2013:

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a multidisciplinary field that addresses the health impacts of technology, considering its specific

healthcare context as well as available alternatives

Health Technology Assessment International 2013:

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a multidisciplinary process that summarizes

information about the medical, social, economic and ethical issues related to the use of a health

technology in a systematic, transparent, unbiased, robust manner. Its aim is to inform the formulation of

safe, effective, health policies that are patient focused and seek to achieve best value. Despite its policy

goals, HTA must always be firmly rooted in research and the scientific method

European network for Health Technology Assessment 2013

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Technology Assessment asks important questions about these technologies [drugs, devices, procedures,

settings of care, screening] such as: When is counselling better than drug treatment for depression? What

is the best operation for aortic aneurysms? Should we screen for human papilloma virus when doing

cervical smears? Should aspirin be used for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease?

UK NHS National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme 2013:

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UK NHS National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme 2013:

It answers

these questions by investigating four main factors: whether the technology

works, for whom, at what

cost, how it compares with the alternatives.

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also known as “Universal Health Care Act,”

Republic Act 11223

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has mandated Health Technology

Assessment as “a fair and transparent priority setting mechanism for the development of policies and

programs, regulation, and the determination of a range of entitlements” in recognition of the role of

evidence-informed policy and decision-making in pursuit of UHC. The Act mandates that“Every Filipino

shall be granted immediate eligibility and access to preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative, and

palliative care for medical, dental, mental and emergency health services, delivered either as

population-based or individual-based health services: Provided, that the goods and services to be included

shall be determined through a fair and transparent health technology assessment process.” Among others,

this mechanism leads to increased quality of care and saves the government from unnecessary

expenditures since only cost-effective technologies will be funded.

Republic Act 11223

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Purposes of HTA

 To inform or


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Purposes of HTA

() about whether to permit the commercial use (e.g., marketing) of a drug, device

or other regulated technology

 Payers (health care authorities, health plans, drug formularies, employers, etc.) about technology

() (whether or not to pay), ()(assigning proper codes to enable reimbursement), and

() (how much to pay)

Regulatory agencies, coverage, coding, reimbursement

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Clinicians and patients about the () use of health care interventions for a particular patient’s

clinical needs and circumstances

 Health professional associations about the role of a technology in () or. ()

 Hospitals, health care networks, group purchasing organizations, and other health care organizations

about decisions regarding technology () and management

Appropriate, clinical protocols or practice guidelines, acquisition

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() organizations for health technology and health care delivery regarding the

manufacture, performance, appropriate use, and other aspects of health care technologies

 Government health department officials about undertaking () (e.g.,

immunization, screening, and environmental protection programs)

 () and other political leaders about policies concerning technological innovation, research

and development, regulation, payment and delivery of health care

Standards-setting, public health programs, lawmakers

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() companies about product development and marketing decisions

 Investors and companies concerning venture capital funding, acquisitions and divestitures, and other

transactions concerning health care product and ()

 Research agencies about evidence () and unmet health needs

Health care technology, service companies, gaps

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created under Section 34.8 of the Universal Health Care


The Health Technology Assessment Council

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The Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) created under Section 34.8 of the Universal Health Care

Act, has the following explicit functions under the law:

 Facilitate provision of financing and coverage recommendations on health technologies to be financed by

() and ();

 Oversee and coordinate the () process within DOH and PhilHealth, and

 () and () existing health technologies financed by DOH and PhilHealth health benefit packages.

DOH and Philhealth, HTA, review and assess

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is responsible for the development and submission of final recommendations to policy-

and decision-makers, based on the evidence appraisal of the different subcommittees.

The Core Committee

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