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The Core Committee is composed of nine (9) voting members, which will elect from among themselves its

Chairperson, namely:

 public health epidemiologist;

 health economist;

 ethicist;

 citizen’s representative;

 sociologist or anthropologist;

 clinical trial or research methods expert;

 clinical epidemiologist or evidence-based medicine expert;

 medico-legal expert; and

 public health expert.

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 is elected by the members of the HTAC among its ranks with the following

functions and responsibilities:

Chairman of the HTAC

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 preside over all ();

 call meetings (through the HTA Technical Secretariat) to enable the HTAC to perform its duties and

() ; and

 take the lead in ensuring that the processes comply with the HTAC ().

HTAC meetings, responsibilities, Process Guide

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The HTAC Core members have the following functions and responsibilities:

 approve the agenda of the HTAC meetings in consultation with the () and the (); and

 ensure that the quality of the evaluations submitted by the Assessment Teams to the HTAC adheres to

the agreed () standards.

HTA office director and HTA Technical Secretariat


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support the HTA Core Committee in achieving a timely, effective, efficient and

responsive technology appraisal process by performing the initial review of HTA reports and submissions of the

industry, Assessment Teams and other actors which submit evidence to the HTA Council for purposes of

technology appraisal.

HTA subcommittees

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The HTA Subcommittees are constituted according to the broad type of health technologies which include:

Drugs, Vaccines, Clinical Equipment and Devices, Medical and Surgical Procedures, Preventive and

Promotive Health Services, and Traditional Medicine. All subcommittees shall have a minimum of ()

and maximum of () non-voting members for each subcommittee.

1, 3

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The Chair and members of the HTA Subcommittees are selected by the DOH Selection Committee on the

basis of the following criteria:

 with known integrity and high ethical standards;

 known and respected in their fields of expertise;

 work experience in technology appraisal and assessments; and

 willingness to disclose and adhere to DOH rules on conflict of interest (COI) management.

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The Subcommittee Chairs have the following functions and responsibilities:

 preside over all meetings of their respective ();

 call meetings (through the HTA Technical Secretariat) to enable the () to perform its duties

and responsibilities ;

 set the () for Subcommittee meetings in consultation with the Secretariat, and evaluate/approve

requests for inclusion of additional matters in the agenda; and,

 ()()()the Subcommittee initial appraisal report/evidence summary prepared by

the HTA Technical Secretariat;

Subcommittee , Committee, agenda, review comfirm sign

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Main members of the HTA Governance Framework

Secretary of Health, DOH Executive Committee, Philhealth Board of Directors

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Clinical Equipment and Devices


Other Health Technologies

Medical and Surgical Procedures

Traditional Medicine


Preventive and Promotive Health Services

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Resource Persons



Private Sector

Clinical Specialists


Patient Groups

Other Healthcare Providers

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Health Technology Assessment Unit

Technical Secretatriat Team

Policy Planning and Evaluation Team

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The Subcommittee members have the following functions:  exercise () over the expected quality, quantity, and timeliness of the HTA reports to be submitted to the Core Committee and subcommittees;  consider the () of industry, the assessment teams, internal and external assessmentsandinputs from experts and patients to come up with preliminary recommendations for theCoreCommittee;

control, submission

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evaluate the () of the Assessment Teams, with the agreed methodological standardsinconducting assessments; and  review and endorse the initial () reports by the Committee to the HTA Core Committeeforfinaldiscussion and recommendation.

compliance, appraisal

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The Department of Health employs an open nomination, competitive selection and deliberate recruitment of known and respected experts in relevant fields through a public call for nomination to the academe,professional organizations as well as organized civil society and patient/ consumer organizations. The Secretary of Health appoints the Chair and members of the Core Committee as well as members of the subcommittee for a term of(), except for the ()()(), who shall serve for a term of four (4) years. Each member is only allowed to serve () consecutive terms.

three (3) years, medico-legal expert, ethicist, and the sociologist or anthropologist, three(3)

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shall provide the HTA Council with the necessary informationandresourcesfor discharging its duties under the UHC Law including the conduct of needed orientation and trainingprograms for newly appointed members of the HTAC

HTA Technical Secretariat

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e HTA Technical Secretariat It shall have the following specific functions andresponsibilities:

 Develop, review, and() the process guide.

 Prepare the () of the HTAC Core and Subcommittee meetings for approval of the CoreCommittee and Subcommittee Chairs.

 Receive topic () from different stakeholders ensuring that submissions adheretothetemplates and requirements set in the Process Guide.

 Ensure that the HTAC discussions, agreements, directives, recommendations, decisions andotheractions are accurately ()through audio recording and minutes of the meetings andstoredin an easily retrievable manner for authorized users.

update, agenda, nominations ,documented

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 Plan, organize, control and set into operation the activities related to the conduct of meetingsoftheHTAC and ensure the ()() preparation of the minutes, reports or directives inaccordance with the agreements and intentions of the Core Committee and its Subcommittees.

 Take stock of ()() HTAC decisions, policies, recommendations, directives andresolutionsand relate these to present matters under HTAC consideration.

 Prepare and store () reports and summaries on recommendations tobesigned by the members of HTAC ensuring that they are in compliance with relevant laws andinternalrules and policies of the HTAC.

accurate and faithful, past and existing, Committee/Subcommittee

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 Serve as the () of relevant documents and material including the minutes of themeetingsandsigned reports/recommendations by the HTAC.  Guide the HTAC on the rules of () and ensure fidelity that such are during the conductofHTAC meetings.

 Coordinate with () (for additional information or documents as requestedbythe HTAC) from the different DOH programs, other statutory bodies, health professional bodies, hospitals, therapeutics committees, patient organizations and industry.

custodian, procedure, health technology sponsors

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is responsible for the overall management of thehealthtechnology assessment and appraisal program including internal assessments especially whenimmediatepolicy advice is needed, the development of normative guidelines and engagement with stakeholdersatall stages of the appraisal.

HTA Policy, Planning and Evaluation (PPE) Uni

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