Study Set Content:
121- Flashcard

Critical appraisal of the whole dossier with complete assessment conductedandsubmittedby the proponent (including evidence on clinical, economic, ethical, legal, social and healthsystemimpact)

Option 1

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122- Flashcard

Assessment team conducts its own assessment which can be a combinationof oneclinicalanalysis and one cost analysis

Option 2

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123- Flashcard

Critical appraisal of synthesized clinical evidence or systematic Review on clinical evidence

Clinical analysis

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124- Flashcard

CMA, Budget Impact Analysis, Ethical, Legal, Social Impact and Health System Implications

Cost-Minimization Analysis

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125- Flashcard

(CEA/CUA)+Budget Impact Analysis+ ELSI and HSI

Cost-effectiveness Analysis/ Cost-Utility Analysis

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126- Flashcard

Cost-Minimization Analysis, Cost-effectiveness Analysis/ Cost-Utility Analysis

Cost Analysis

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127- Flashcard

The Subcommittees shall be responsible for ensuring that: (1) the assessment was conductedfollowingthePhilippine HTA (); (2) all pertinent pieces of evidence are considered in the ();and (3) the evidence presented in the report answers the() and will be sufficient inarriving at a recommendation/decision.

Methods Guide, technical report, research question

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128- Flashcard

refers to the process by which the HTAC evaluates and makes a judgement on thevalueofahealth technology in the Philippine context using its established criteria based on the evidencepresentedby the Subcommittees supported by the HTA output of the Assessment Teams.

Evidence Appraisal

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129- Flashcard

The Assessment Team must present first its output to the Subcommittees which shall conduct aninitial deliberation and


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The preliminary output of the Assessment Team shall undergo peer review by experts identifiedbythe ()


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Unsatisfactory reviews may require additional() from the proponents.


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A () public consultation shall be conducted


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shall conduct quality assurance of the final assessment output, whichshall beappraised by the ()

HTAC subcommitte, HTAC Core Committee

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Once the output of the Assessment Team is approved, they shall develop an evidence summarytobepresented to the HTA Core Committee for final deliberation and


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135- Flashcard

The Chair of the Subcommittee or another designated Committee member with the support of theAssessment Team shall present to the HTA Core Committee the evidence summary for the assessedhealthtechnology, highlighting the important pieces of evidence considered as well as the

Subcommittee conclusions

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shall deliberate on the evidence presented arriving at a judgment andrecommendation on the public funding and use of the health technology in the health system.

HTA Core Committee

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The decision of the majority (i.e., one half plus one) of the members of the HTA Core Committeepresentduring the votation shall be considered as the decision of the Committee. Recommendations of theHTACore Committee may be one of the following

 Approve  Approve with restrictions/conditions of use  Disapprove

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An appeal may be submitted to the HTA Technical Secretariat within () working days frompostingofthe HTAC Core Committee recommendation, if there is new data that was not part of the initial submissionand may impact the recommendation of the HTAC.


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The Chair of the HTA Core Committee through the Secretariat shall transmit the recommendationoftheCommittee to the Secretary of Health for interventions which fall under the remit of specific healthprograms at the () and the () Board of Directors for health interventions that arepart of thebenefit packages of ()for final decision-making.

DOH, PhilHealth, PhilHealth

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140- Flashcard

Drugs and vaccines that are approved by the Secretary of Health and/or PhilHealth Board of Directorsshallbe listed in the

Philippine National Formulary

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