Traditional and alternative healthcare products and practices
Certification from PITAHC for Traditional medicine practices Certification from FDA for Traditional Medicine devices
Certification from FDA for herbal medicines and traditionally used herbal
Medical and surgical procedures
Certificate of impact on clinical practice from the concerned professional society/ies(e.g.,Certificate of impact on health management, rehabilitation, and palliation of patients)
submissions will not proceed to the prioritization process.
The master list of all complete applications shall be forwarded to the HTAC ()
Core and Subcommittees
shall verify the information provided in the dossier vis-à-vis theparametersin the standard prioritization criteria tool. An Excel file containing all information needed for theinitial prioritization of the HTAC Subcommittees shall be prepared.
initial assessment team
refers to the selection of topics through a standard set of criteria by HTACtoensurethatthe appraisal process responds to the priority health care needs of the country and that the topics addressconditions that are important to patients, health care providers, PhilHealth and DOHprogrammanagers, hospitals and local health system administrators.
Topic prioritization
The objective of this specific step is to ensure that topics are subjected to a standard selectionprocessindeciding which health technologies undergo assessment and appraisal to maximize the useof availableresources. Through this step, it is also aimed that all relevant stakeholders are properly consultedinatransparent, inclusive and predictable manner
Topic prioritization
All topics with complete evidentiary requirements submitted or referred to the HTA Technical Secretariatshall undergo the standard selection process using a () prioritization tool used by HTACinselectingtopics.
The topics shall be ranked based on their() and from this, the shortlist of topics for evaluationshallbedeveloped by the HTAC.
The HTA Internal Assessment Team shall conduct independent() of the shortlistedtopicswith regard to their current or potential place in clinical therapy, the likely populations whowill benefitfrom the intervention, the existing literature on its clinical and cost-effectiveness in the local settingorother relevant settings, the associated costs with the use of the intervention and other legal, social andethical considerations.
literature review
Issues identified in the literature review shall be communicated to the proponents in preparation for the () meeting. The priority list of health technologies shall be published in the() where the progress of theirapplication will be reflected.
HTA website
refers to the process of defining the overall scope of the technology assessment intermsof atleast
Scoping 6 major components
population of patients who will benefit from the intervention health technology or intervention of interest appropriate comparators relevant to the local practice or context clinically meaningful outcomes study design any other consideration that will likely impact the results of the assessment such as appropriateperspective, equity/legal/social issues, time horizon for the analysis, among others.
*It is important to undertake this step to formulate the most appropriate policy question that needstobeanswered and ensure that relevant considerations are included in the technology assessment/reportwhichshall form the basis of
HTAC recommendations
shall draft the study protocol which shall include scoping with relevant stakeholders to refine and validate the assessment methods and scope.
The Assessment Teams
shall reviewtheconsistencyofthe protocol with the agreed methodological standards and set the prescribed timeline of assessment.
HTAC Subcommittee and the methods expert/s in the Core Committee
The study protocol shall be approved by the
HTAC Core Committee
The status of the application shall be updated in the ()to show the anticipated timeframeforcompleting the appraisals to stakeholders.
HTA website
refers to the application of formal scientific methods of evidence synthesis toassesstheclinical, economic, health system, ethical, legal and social impact of covering or disinvesting aparticularhealth technology in the local Philippine context.
A health technology may undergo any of the following assessments:
Option 1 and Option 2