The basic characteristic of a population is its size or density (numbers per unit area or
per unit volume)
Read on: Malthusian growth Model, Simplified population models, Age structure/pyramid,
These Introductory models serve as foundation upon which the discipline of population
ecology is built in order to further understand demographic processes in real life study
populations and conduct statistical tests.
The field of population ecology often uses data on life history and matrix algebra to develop
projection matrices on fecundity and survivorship and this information is used in managing
wildlife stocks and setting harvest quotas.
The population density is dependent on: Natality (birth), Mortality (deaths), Immigration and
(+)Natality → DENSITY → Mortality (-)
Define the following: Natality (birth), Mortality (deaths), Immigration and Emigration
The term population dynamics is applied to the study of changes in the numbers of organisms
in populations and of the factors influencing these changes; It also includes the study of the
rates of loss and replacement of individuals and if any regulatory processes tending to keep
the numbers steady or at least to prevent excessive changes.
It is the aspect of population ecology dealing with forces affecting changes in population
densities or affecting the form of population growth.
It is the study of marginal and long-term changes in the numbers, individual weights and age
composition of individuals in one or several populations and biological and environmental
processes influencing those changes
Population dynamics deals with