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41- Flashcard

They should not be given with() to minimize bonding to food proteins and acid inactivation


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42- Flashcard

is considered the agent of first choice against many pathogenic gram-positive bacteria.

Penicillin G

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Penicillin G These include

• Bacillus anthracis

• Staphylococcus aureus

• Clostridium tetani

• Streptococcus pneumoniae

• Clostridium perfringes

• Β-haemolytic group A Streptococcus

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The drug of choice in treating syphilis (Treponema pallidum) and infections caused by the gram (-) cocci, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitides

Β-haemolytic group A Streptococcus

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45- Flashcard

1mg of pure pen g potassium is equivalent to

1595 units

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Pen g potassium or

potassium benzyl penicillin

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Maybe administered

orally, im or iv.

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Pen g sodium or

sodium benzyl penicillin

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 is used as the reference standard for microbial assaysof penicillins

Pure pen g sodium

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1mg is equivalent to

1667 units

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Pen g sodium Used

orally, im or iv

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Penicillin g benzathine • Or

 n,n’ – dibenzylethylenediamine dipenicillin

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Used im for its unusually() and orally for its rsistance to ()

prolonged duration of action , gastric inactivation.

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Penicillin v or

phenoxymethyl penicillin

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Penicillin of choice for oral administration

Penicillin v

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Penicillin v Less susceptible to degradation by

gastric acid

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Should be taken on an empty stomach (1 hour before or 2 hours after eating).

Penicillin v

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Penicillin v 1mg is equivalent to

1695 units

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▪ Dicloxacillin

▪ Methicillin

▪ Nafcillin

▪ Oxacillin

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Semisynthetic penicillins that are not inactivated by penicillinase.


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