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81- Flashcard

probably play an important role

A 1A receptors

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This effect explains why urinary retention is a potential adverse effect of administration of the a1 agonist


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Alpha receptor activation in the ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate plays a role in

normal ejaculation

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The detumescence of erectile tissue that normally follows ejaculation is also brought about by


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contain adrenoceptors that regulate the secretion of amylase and water. However, certain sympathomimetic drugs, eg, clonidine, produce symptoms of dry mouth.

The salivary glands

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The mechanism of this effect is uncertain; it is likely that central nervous system effects are responsible, although peripheral effects may


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The apocrine sweat glands, located on the palms of the hands and a few other areas,respond to adrenoceptor stimulants with

increased sweat production.

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These are the apocrine nonthermoregulatory glands usually associated with

psychological stress

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The diffusely distributed thermoregulatory eccrine sweat glands are regulated by sympathetic cholinergic postganglionic nerves that activate

muscarinic cholinoceptors

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leads to increased lipolysis with enhanced release of free fatty acids and glycerol into the blood.

Activation of B adrenoceptors in fat cells

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also contain a 2 receptors that inhibit lipolysis by decreasing intracellular CAMP

Human fat cells

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Sympathomimetic drugs enhance (blank) in the liver, which leads to increased glucose release into the circulation.


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Activation of B, adrenoceptors by endogenous epinephrine or by sympathomimetic drugs promotes the uptake of potassium into cells, leading to a fall in

extracellular potassium.

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Blockades of these receptors may accentuate the rise in plasma potassium that occurs during


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Beta receptors that are expressed in pancreatic islets tend to(blank)insulin

secretion, respectively, although the major regulator of insulin release is the plasma concentration of glucose

increase and decrease

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is stimulated by ß receptors and inhibited by a 2 receptors. Similarly, (blank) is stimulated by B 1 and inhibited by a 2 receptors;

Insulin secretion, renin secretion

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B-receptor antagonist drugs may lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension at least in part by lowering

plasma renin.

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are important endogenous regulators of hormone secretion from a number of glands.


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Adrenoceptors also modulate the secretion of ____ however, the physiologic significance of these control mechanisms is probably limited.

parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, thyroxine, and gastrin;

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100- Flashcard

In high concentrations, epinephrine and related agents cause ____ (abnormally increase WBC), in part by promoting demargination of sequestered white blood cells back into the general circulation.


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