Study Set Content:
101- Flashcard

The action of sympathomimetics on the central nervous system varies dramatically, depending on their ability to cross the

blood-brain barrier

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102- Flashcard

These effects have been described as ranging from ___ to ____ or "a feeling of impending disaster."

"nervousness", "an adrenaline rush

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103- Flashcard

Peripheral effects of B-adrenoceptor agonists such as tachycardia and tremor are similar to the somatic manifestations of


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104- Flashcard

Noncatecholamines with indirect actions, such as amphetamines, which readily enter the central nervous system from the circulation, produce qualitatively very different

CNS effects

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105- Flashcard

Endogenous Catecholamines

• Epinephrine (adrenaline) is an agonist at both a and ß receptors. It is therefore a very potent

vasoconstrictor and cardiac stimulant.

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106- Flashcard

The rise in systolic blood pressure that occurs after epinephrine release or administration is caused by its ____ on the heart (predominantly B1 receptors) and the vasoconstriction induced in many vascular beds (a receptors).

positive inotropic and chronotropic actions

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107- Flashcard

also activates B 2 receptors in some vessels (eg, skeletal muscle blood vessels) leading to their dilation leading to their dilation. .


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108- Flashcard

(levarterenol, noradrenaline) is an agonist at both a 1 and a 2 receptors.


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109- Flashcard

Norepinephrine also activates B 1 receptors with similar potency as epinephrine, but has relatively little effect on

B 2 receptors.

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110- Flashcard

increases peripheral resistance and both diastolic and systolic blood pressure.


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111- Flashcard

is the immediate precursor in the synthesis of norepinephrine


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112- Flashcard

Endogenous dopamine may have more important effects in regulating (blank)and (blank)

sodium excretion, renal function.

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113- Flashcard

It is an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and is involved in the reward stimulus relevant to addiction.


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114- Flashcard

Its deficiency in the basal ganglia leads to Parkinson's disease, which is treated with its

precursor levodopa

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115- Flashcard

Dopamine receptors are also target for

antipsychotic drugs

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116- Flashcard

is an effective mydriatic and decongestant and can be used to raise the blood pressure


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117- Flashcard


➢ Stimulates

a,. 02. B1. B2 receptors

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118- Flashcard

At low dose-epinephrine stimulates

b1 and b2 receptors

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119- Flashcard

At high doses - it stimulates

a receptors.

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120- Flashcard

Cardiovascular effect :() heart rate & contractility: () of arterioles in the skin, viscera, & mucous membrane.

increased, vasoconstriction

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