Study Set Content:
41- Flashcard

o Enables where diseases originated how they move and how they are prevented


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42- Flashcard

Perform tests, diagnosis, research, training, used in conjunction with surveillance. o For health monitoring as well


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43- Flashcard

o Deals with the method of collecting, compiling, and presenting health information. o Enabling us to work better when helping.


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44- Flashcard

o Closely link to PH policies o Provide information for decision makers.

Prevention Effectiveness

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45- Flashcard

Three Core Functions of Public Health

Assessment, Policy Development, Assurance

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46- Flashcard

Systematically collect, analyze, and make available information on healthy communities. o Knowing what’s need to be done


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47- Flashcard

Promote the use of a scientific knowledge base in policy and decision making.

Policy Development

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48- Flashcard

Ensure provision of services to those in need.


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49- Flashcard

1. Monitor Health 2. Diagnose and Investigate


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3. Inform, Educate, Empower 4. Mobilize Community Partnership 5. Develop Policies


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6. Enforce Laws 7. Link to/Provide Care


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8. Assure a Competent Workforce 9. Evaluate 10. Research


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Population focus

Public Health

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54- Flashcard

Individual patient focus

Health care

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55- Flashcard

Public health ethic

Public Health

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56- Flashcard

Prevention or public health emphasis

Public Health

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Personal service ethics

Health care

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58- Flashcard

Diagnosis and treatment emphasis

Health care

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59- Flashcard

Joint and laboratory and field involvement

Public health

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60- Flashcard

Clinical sciences peripheral to professional training

Public health

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