o Enables where diseases originated how they move and how they are prevented
Perform tests, diagnosis, research, training, used in conjunction with surveillance. o For health monitoring as well
o Deals with the method of collecting, compiling, and presenting health information. o Enabling us to work better when helping.
o Closely link to PH policies o Provide information for decision makers.
Prevention Effectiveness
Three Core Functions of Public Health
Assessment, Policy Development, Assurance
Systematically collect, analyze, and make available information on healthy communities. o Knowing what’s need to be done
Promote the use of a scientific knowledge base in policy and decision making.
Policy Development
Ensure provision of services to those in need.
1. Monitor Health 2. Diagnose and Investigate
3. Inform, Educate, Empower 4. Mobilize Community Partnership 5. Develop Policies
6. Enforce Laws 7. Link to/Provide Care
8. Assure a Competent Workforce 9. Evaluate 10. Research
Population focus
Public Health
Individual patient focus
Health care
Public health ethic
Public Health
Prevention or public health emphasis
Public Health
Personal service ethics
Health care
Diagnosis and treatment emphasis
Health care
Joint and laboratory and field involvement
Public health
Clinical sciences peripheral to professional training
Public health