Study Set Content:
201- Flashcard

Antigen and antibody

Bioaffinity chromatography or Affinity Chromatography

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202- Flashcard

Enzyme and inhibitor

Bioaffinity chromatography or Affinity Chromatography

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203- Flashcard

hormone and carrier

Bioaffinity chromatography or Affinity Chromatography

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204- Flashcard

Synthetic polymer


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205- Flashcard



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206- Flashcard

receptor and ligand

Bioaffinity chromatography or Affinity Chromatography

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207- Flashcard



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208- Flashcard

protein and nucleic aacids

Bioaffinity chromatography or Affinity Chromatography

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209- Flashcard


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210- Flashcard


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211- Flashcard

HPLC Column

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212- Flashcard


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213- Flashcard


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214- Flashcard


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215- Flashcard

The most commonly used phase, applicable to

most problems in analysis of pharmaceutical


1. Octadecylsilyl silica gel (ODS)

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216- Flashcard

Useful alternative to ODS Phases.

Octyl silane and butyl silane silica gel

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217- Flashcard

Often used in the past for problematical

compounds, but with gradual improvement of

reverse phases.

Silca Gel

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218- Flashcard

Useful for slightly more selective analyses of

compounds containing large numbers of aromatic


3. Phenyl Silane Silica gel

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219- Flashcard

A moderately polar phase often used for the

analysis of sugars and surfactants. In the case of

sugars the chromatographic interactions are due to

hydrophilic interactions

5. Aminopropyl Silica Gel

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220- Flashcard

Usually based on ion pairing of the analyte with

sulfonic acid groups on the surface of the

stationary phase.

Strong cation exchanger (SCX)

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