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Abbe Refractometer

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upper prism

lower prism


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is firmly mounted on a bearing that allows its rotation by means of the side arm shown in dotted lines

upper prism

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of the telescope is provided with crosshairs: in making a measurement, the prism angle is changed until the light-dark interface just coincides with the crosshairs


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is hinged to the upper to permit separation for cleaning and for introduction of the sample

lower prism

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measuring prism


illuminating prism

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Matted surface

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light source

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is basically an Abbe type of refractometer of short range and without an illuminating prism.

 immersion or dipping refractometer

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It is used primarily for determining solution concentrations, such as in the sugar industry, pharmaceuticals, and milk.


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• Particularly useful for acids since only the inert prism dips into the solution


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 It relies on having () of known refractive index and comparing the unknown mineral to the oil.

immersion oil

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 Immersion oil is available with refractive indices that cover the range found for most


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It typically has indices of refraction in the range of

1.4 to 1.8

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 It typically has indices of refraction in the range of 1.4 to 1.8, in increments of

0.002, 0.004 or 0.005.

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 There are two components to comparing the index of refraction of the mineral and the immersion oil:

1. Relief

2. Becke Line

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