Study Set Content:
61- Flashcard

Can be defined as the degree to which a mineral grain or grains appear to stand out from the mounting mineral


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62- Flashcard

• Can be defined as the degree to which a mineral grain or grains appear to stand out from the mounting mineral, whether it is

 immersion oil, Canada Balsam other medium, or another mineral.

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63- Flashcard

A mineral may exhibit () relief:

positive or negative

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ndex of refraction for the material, is greater than the index of the oil

 A +ve relief

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 A +ve relief E.g

 garnet 1.76

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 A –ve relief

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 A –ve relief E.g.

fluorite 1.433

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R1 Mounting Medium =


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R1 medium =

R1 quartz

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To determine whether a mineral has positive or negative relief, the() method is used.

Becke line

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are a band or rim of light visible along the grain boundary in plane light when the grain mount is slightly out of focus.

Becke Lines

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It may lie inside or outside the mineral grain depending on how the microscope is


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They are interpreted to be produced as a result of

1. the lens effect and/ or 2. internal reflection effect

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when the refractive index of the mineral is greater than that of the immersion medium, a white line (becke line) () the fragments and moves into the fragments as the focus is raised

Forms around

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