this collection will cover a bunch of questions to all Medical, pharmacy and dental students who wants to prepare for anatomy test or to assure their studies
Regarding the testis
lymphatic drainage is to the lumbar and inguinal LN
epididymis is located posteromedial to testis
vas deferens is in direct contact with the pelvic peritoneum
vas deferens is medial to the epididymis
appendix of testis is superior/inferior ? to testis
Spinal cord transection
C1 – C3 results in quadriplegia and loss of respiration (This is the right answer)
C3 – C5 (or somewhere in lower cervical spine) results in paraplegia
T10 – L1 results in loss of thigh function
L2 – L3 (around there) results in loss of leg function
something else with loss of respiration
Coronary arteries
L) CA supplies most of conduction system (that was the answer I put)
R) or L) comes from posterior aortic sinus
another R ? or L comes from posterior sinus??
Regarding Parkinson’s
the severity of the motor deficit correlates with the degree of dopamine deficiency
60% get dementia
there are no familial inheritance predispositions, such as autosomal recessive or dominant
Dopamine antagonists do not cause Parkinsononism
After a tonsillectomy there may be loss of sensation from posterior tongue, resulting form injury to what nerve?
What doesn’t go through the jugular foramen?
hypoglossal nerve
CN 9
CN 10
CN 11
Posterior interosseous nerve supplies
Which one structure runs with the deep fibular nerve?
post tibial artery
superficial fibular artery
ant tibial artery
ant interosseous artery
fibular artery
Regarding the AC joint
costoclavicular ligament is not important in stability
is a synovial joint (I put this one down)
attaches to the 2
costal cartilage
stabilizes the clavicle with upper limb mvts
The typical thoracic rib
has 2 articular facets in the head
articulates with vertebra below
length of neck increases as you go down
What attaches to the coracoid process?
pec major
long head biceps
trapezoid ligament (I put this one)
something else that appeared wrong
Layers of LP – in correct sequence
skin, supraspinous lig, interspinous lig, ligamentum flavum, dura, arachnoid
skin, interspinous lig, supraspinous lig, ligamentum flavum, dura, arachnoid
skin, ligamentum flavum, interspinous lig, supraspinous lig, dura, arachnoid
skin, supraspinous lig, interspinous lig, ligamentum flavum, arachnoid, dura
skin, supraspinous lig, interspinous lig, post longitudinal lig, dura, arachnoid
What is not diagnostic for carpel tunnel syndrome?
there is loss of sensation thenar eminence
there is wasting of thenar eminence
pt can still flex thumb
pain is relieved with surgical release
can’t oppose thumb
Regarding the male urethra
narrowest at the prostatic urethra
Internal urethral sphincter is at the membranous part
widest at the external urethral meatus
11 ? 15 cm (a bit short for my liking hehe)
has a double curvature in the non-erect state
Femoral triangle
Femoral artery enters thigh halfway btw ASIS and pubic tubercle
Femoral nerve lies between sartorius and pectineus
Femoral nerve lies in the femoral sheath
What is not in the posterior triangle? (repeat – and from Lasts!)
Cervical plexus
transverse cervical vessels
occipital lymph nodes
spinal accessory nerve
brachial plexus
What does not go through the lesser sciatic foramen?
obturator internus tendon
superior pudendal artery
internal pudendal nerve
(remember what goes through the greater and lesser sciatic foramen)
Deep fascia
is absent in the face
passes over bone
prevents venous return
allows muscular expansion
contains connective tissue with fat?
Blood supply to the body of the pancreas is by
superior pancreaticoduodenal
inferior pancreaticoduodenal
splenic artery
left gastric
Injury to the common peroneal nerve at the neck of the fibula causes everything except
loss of sensation over the foot with sparing of the 1
flaccid paralysis of dorsiflexion
unopposed inversion
high stepping gait
flaccid paralysis of eversion
Internal mammary (thoracic) artery
supplies 2 anterior intercostal branches at each intercostal space
runs medial to the edge of sternum
Radial artery
runs deep (between?) to the heads of supinator
runs deep to the insertion of pronator teres tendon
runs deep to the tendons of APL and EPB
runs deep to the insertion of FPL
is the larger terminal part of the brachial artery
Regarding the anatomical snuffbox, which is incorrect
Cephalic vein runs in it
you can feel the scaphoid and trapezium between the base 1
metacarpal and the radial styloid process
you can palpate the terminal branches of the radial nerve over the tendons of EPL? (one of the tendons)
the boundaries are formed by EPB on one side and EPL and APL on the other side
Regarding Flexor digitorium profundus
It is supplied wholly by the median nerve
It is a powerful forearm flexor/muscle? (I put this one)
It arises from the olecranon and the anterior surface of the radius
The interossei come off its tendons
It has its own separate sheath
Occipitofrontalis muscle (something about it)
Occipital scalp sensation of nerves and blood supply
Regarding the appendix
It is retrocaecal in the absence of disease
Its position at McBurneys Point is constant when inflamed
Has no mesentery
lymphatic drainage is to inguinal LN
Which of the following does NOT contribute to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot
three medial cuneiforms
base of three medial metatarsals