Scholarship Packet
Conclude with a bang.
The conclusion is the last chance to persuade or
impress the reader. In the conclusion, avoid summary since the essay is
usually short to begin with; the reader should not need to be reminded of
what was written 300 words before. Also, do not use stock phrases like
“in conclusion, in summary, to conclude, etc.”
Sample Cover Letter Format*
Fran Fingers
1234 Any Street
Anywhere, Anystate 12345
(123) 867-5309
October 5, XXXX
Bonnie Blum Memorial Scholarship Selection Committee
5678 Any Street
Anyhwere, Anystate 12345
Members of the Selection Committee:
Opening: Houses the reason for the letter, the specifics of your application,
umbrella statement for rest of letter.
First Paragraph: Topic Sentence, discussion of one of areas mentioned earlier
(education for example) briefly or in depth depending on accompaniment of
personal essay and/or resume.
Second Paragraph: Transition, topics sentence, discussion of new point.
Third Paragraph: See second.
Fourth Paragraph: See third. Eventually you will run out of new points to
discuss. You will then make the transition into a closing paragraph.
Closing: Often times it’s easy to transition from your goals to a summation of
the letter. Do not use the same wording as the opener. Thank the committee for
considering your letter.
Fran Fingers