Scholarship Packet
* Adapted from “Guidelines for Cover Letter.” CDC, U of M - Flint
Sample Essay/Cover Letter 1
I am applying for the Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Freeman Honors Scholar Program
Scholarship. Presently, I am a junior in the nursing program. I believe my chosen profession
will enable me to fulfill all of my desires to help others, to continuously expand my knowledge
base and skills and to travel the world. Throughout my life I have participated in
extracurricular activities including valuable volunteer experiences. I have striven for academic
excellence, always wishing to make the most of my education. In addition, I have managed to
work to provide for some of the basic expenses that students have. Next year this will especially
important, as I will no longer be receiving the Chancellor Scholarship.
Education has always been an important aspect of my life. While in high school I managed to
take challenging courses such as advanced placement English and calculus, physics, and
chemistry. I enjoyed the arts and was involved in art, band, and choir. Despite the time
consuming practices for concerts, parades, musicals and exhibits, I was able to maintain a
3.97 grade point average, allowing me to graduate as salutatorian. I decided to sty near home
and come to the University of Michigan-Flint because of the smaller class size, scholarship
monies and the University’s Honor Program.
I have received many scholarships since I began my college career. In 1998 I received the
Chancellor’s Scholarship providing me with $1,700 per year for four years. I also received three
scholarships from my graduating high school. The first was the Goodrich Alumni Scholarship
totaling $200. The second was the Goodrich Teachers Scholarship totaling $500. The last was
from the National Honor Society and totaled $260. All of these awards were given based on
scholarship and community service. Because of my acceptance in the University’s Honor
Program I also receive the Honor’s Scholarship. Despite the challenges of both the nursing and
honors curriculum I have managed to maintain a 3.7 grade point average. My efforts did not go
unnoticed and in 2001 I received two additional scholarships including the Ralph M. and
Emmalyn E. Freeman Honors Scholar Program Scholarship and the Ralph M. And Emmalyn E.
Freeman Long Distance Learning Scholarship. These accomplishments lead me to believe that
in the future I will continue to perform at a high level in the academics.
Although education plays a significant role in my life, I am involved with many other activities.
During high school I was an active member of the National Honor Society for two and a half
years. My last year as a member gave me the opportunity to play a more active role as I
participated as NHS treasurer. I frequently tutored individuals by offering my time before and
after school for middle and high school students. I enjoy helping others with schoolwork and
have continued to aid fellow students at the college level. I also enjoy the arts and participated
in many performances, plays, musicals and exhibitions, often requiring traveling to other areas
and interacting with new individuals. Currently I am involved with fellow nursing students on a
class and university level. I belong to the National Student Nurses Association as well. I have
volunteered my time to inform individuals of various ages of what nursing involves and share
the need for nurses. IN addition, I have entered the community to perform blood pressure
screening and offer information to those at risk for hypertension and diabetes. I have increased
my knowledge base as well as my public presentation skills by presenting one of my papers,
Beatrice and Katharine: Shakespeare’s Unconventional Women at the Purdue University-
Calumet Undergraduate Research Conference in 1999. Through all of these experiences I have
learned to act as a leader, work in groups, and organize my time appropriately.
In addition to school related activities I am also involved with my local church. I teach a class
of 3-6 year old kids. When other teachers are unable to teach Sunday school I do not hesitate
to come to their aid. I have participated in church cleanup, nursery duty and choir as well. I