suddenly increases in its intensity of action when a certain limit is reached
– the poison was taken without intention to cause death
the poison was given willfully and with intent to cause death to the victim
– poison was taken by the victim voluntarily for the purpose of taking his own life
– the history is hazy as to how the poison was obtained and why it was administered
deduced from various events or facts
Circumstantial or Moral
poisoning signs and symptoms are observed; inconclusive
detection of suspected substances via chemical analysis of samples of body fluids collected; not reliable as the poison may have decomposed or exchanged
gathered from an examination of tissues and organs after death
Post mortem or autopsy
administering the suspected substance to a living animal and noting the effect or symptoms.
¨ Safety Data Sheet ¨ Required to be provided by chemical manufacturers, distributions, or importers for hazardous chemicals.
1. Identification 2. Hazard(s) Identification 3. Composition/Information on Ingredients 4. First-Aid Measures 5. Fire-Fighting Measures 6. Accidental Release Measures 7. Handling and Storage 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection 9. Physical and Chemical Properties 10. Stability and Reactivity 11. Toxicological Information 12. Ecological Information 13. Disposal Considerations 14. Transport Information 15. Regulatory Information 16. Other information
Two Main Principles hat underlie all descriptive animal toxicity testing:
¨ () produced by a compound in laboratory animals when properly qualified, are applicable to humans
¨ Exposure of experimental animals to toxic agents in() is a necessary and valid method of discovering possible hazards in humans because incidence of an effect in a population in greater as the dose or exposure increases.
Effects, high doses
First toxicity test performed on a new chemical
Acute Toxicity Testing
Essential for characterizing the toxic effects of chemicals and their hazard to humans
Acute lethality studies
Acute lethality studies
¨ Skin Eye Irritations ¨ Sensitization
repeated administration typically for 14 days
Subacute (Repeated-dose Study)
– 90 day
– 6 months to 2 years
OECD meaning
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development