Anal Stage
2-3 years old
Phallic Stage
3-6 years old
Latency Stage
10-12 years old
Genital Stage
Pleasurable Activity Mouth-sucking, biting, chewing
Oral Stage
Bowel and bladder elimination
Anal Stage
Dormant sexual feelings, Social/ interpersonal activities
Latency Stage
Discovery of genitals, Masturbation or Autoerotic Activities, incestuous sexual feelings
Phallic Stage
Maturation of sexual interests, Sexual intercourse
Genital Stage
Fixation/ PersonalityCharacters
Feelings of dependency, either gullibleor sarcasticand argumentative
Oral Stage
Either Obstinate, stingy or too orderly, or cruel, destructive, wanton, tantrums and disorderly
Anal Stage
a girl feeling sexual desires to her father and parallel hatred or jealousy towards her mother
Electra Complex
- a boy feeling sexual desires to his mother and parallel hatred or jealousy to his father.
Oedipus Complex
Oedipus Complex- a boy feeling sexual desires to his mother and parallel hatred or jealousy to his father. Electra Complex- a girl feeling sexual desires to her father and parallel hatred or jealousy towards her mother
Phallic Stage
Erik Erikson:
The Psychosocial Stage of Self-development
He is concerned on how both psychological and social factors affect the development of individuals
Erik Erikson:
He formulated eight major stages of development, each posing a unique developmental task and simultaneously presenting a crisis that he/she must overcome.
Erik Erikson:
“it is not a threat or catastrophe but a turning point, a crucial period of increased vulnerability and heightened potential” (Erikson, 1968)
The infant develops a sense of certainty/ trustfulness that the primary care giver will always return for his/her needs
Basic Trust vs Mistrust
This is the age of expanding mastery and responsibility
Initiative vs Guilt