HTA Policy, Planning and Evaluation (PPE) Unit It has the following specific functions
Develop, review, update the() Guide.
Manage and deliver()() commissioned by the HTA Officeinaccordancewith the Methods and Process Guides
Coordinate with () (for scoping and additional evidence neededintheassessment process) from the different DOH programs, other statutory bodies, healthprofessional bodies, hospitals, therapeutics committees, patient organizations and the industry
Methods, internal and external assessments, health technology sponsors
Produce and () technology appraisal reports for different audiences including policymakers, health care professionals, patients and the public.
Track the() of appraisals and ensuring that they are carried out in accordance withthestandard methods, process and timelines.
Liaise with the (), expert and patient consultants and peer reviewers fromscopingofthe assessments to the preparation of the HTA reports for the HTAC.
communicate, progress, Assessment Teams
() all other HTA-related initiatives and projects.
Create the (), with clear goals and targets, as well as monitoringandevaluation framework for tracking the progress of the whole HTA process.
Manage, overall HTA strategic action plan
There shall be two types of Assessment Teams:
Internal Assessment Team
External Assessment Team
which shall be composed of staff from the HTA PPE Team;
Internal Assessment Team
which shall be from research networks identified by theDOHandDOST-PCHRD.
External Assessment Team
Develop () for each assessment to be in line with the Process and Methods Guideswithoversight by the HTA Council
Gather data needed by the() Committee in the prioritization process
Review the proponent’s evidence submission and conduct()
preliminary assessment.
Conduct the() assessment as determined by the HTAC Core Committee
are intended to determine the characteristics or impacts of particulartechnologies. For example, a government agency may want to determine the clinical, economic, social,professional, or other impacts of cochlear implants, cervical cancer screening, PET scanners, or widespreadadoption of electronic health record systems.
Technology-oriented assessments
focus on solutions or strategies for managing a particular disease, condition, or other problem for which alternative or complementary technologies might beused. Forexample, clinicians and other providers concerned with the problem of diagnosis of dementiamaycall forHTA to inform the development of clinical practice guidelines involving some combinationor sequenceofclinical history, neurological examination, and diagnostic imaging using various modalities.
Problem-oriented assessments
focus on a local placement or use of a technology in a particular institution,program, or other designated project. For example, this may arise when a hospital must decidewhetherornot to purchase a PET scanner, considering the facilities, personnel, and other resources neededtoinstalland operate a PET scanner; the hospital’s financial status; local market potential for
Project-oriented assessments
is applicable to all health technologies except in public health emergencies (PHEs).
General HTA Process
is applicable for health technologies during PHEs
Expedited HTA Process
considered by clinicians to be a standard approach to a particular condition or indication and diffused into general use
First Step General HTA Process
Technical Secretariate team of HTA unit calls for topic nomination
Week 0-8
Topic nomination
Week 3-24
Topic priotitization
week 24-28
Scoping & Protocol Development