Week 28- 111
Topic Assessment
Week 41-111, Week 44-115
Evidence Appraisal
Week 44-115 - 48-119
Initial Recommendation
Week 48-199-50-125
Week 50-125-5-126
Final Recommendation
Week 57-128
Decision by SOH
1st step of Expedited HTA process
Secretary of Health declares public health emergency
2nd step of Expedited HTA Process
Director of DOH national health program to submit documents to HTA Unit
3rd step of Expedited HTA Process
Technical Secretariat Team of HTA unit receives documents
Week 0-1
Topic Nomination and Prioritization
Week 1-13
Topic Assessment
Week 3-15
Evidence appraisal and recommendation
Week 5-16
Decision by the SOH
Last step
refers to the process of referring topics to HTAC for which technology appraisalsmaybeproduced and disseminated for the guidance of policy-makers in healthcare coverage decisions andtohealthproviders and patients on the optimal and appropriate use of health technologies.
Topic nomination
A call for topic nomination shall be issued by the ()through websiteannouncement and through electronic mail to all stakeholders once a year.
HTA Technical Secretariat
Acceptance of topics shall span for a period of () through the HTA Technical Secretariatwho shall check for the compliance of the submissions with the prescribed requirements
four (4) weeks
() and potentially () health technologies which respond to unmet or priorityhealthcare needs in the local Philippine context may also be submitted for HTAC appraisal byrelevantindustries with the required clinical, social and economic evidence. For existing health technologies, a () may be triggered by the emergenceof newclinical evidence that may have an impact on the previous recommendation of HTAC.
New, innovative
The following documents shall be required prior to the acceptance of the application: Drugs and vaccines
: Certificate of Product Registration (CPR) from the Philippine FoodandDrugAdministration
Medical devices:
Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) issued by the regulatory authority fromthesourcecountry or other stringent regulatory authority, which shall be validated by the PhilippineFDA