Study Set Content:
41- Flashcard

Substances released during(blank)mediated

immune reactions that activate the complement cascade

also release histamine from mast cells and basophils.

IgG- or IgM-

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42- Flashcard

By a negative feedback control mechanism mediated by

(blank), histamine appears to (blank) its own

release and that of other mediators from sensitized mast

cells in some tissues.

H2 receptors, modulate

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(monomer) IgD and IgE

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Dimer IgA

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are the first circulating antibodies to appear

in response to an initial exposure to an antigen:

their concentration in the blood declines rapidly,


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IgMs are the first circulating antibodies to appear

in response to an initial exposure to an antigen:

their concentration in the blood declines rapidly,

Thus the presence of IgM usually indicates a

current infection

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49- Flashcard

IgMs are the first circulating antibodies to appear

in response to an initial exposure to an antigen:

their concentration in the blood declines rapidly,

Thus the presence of IgM usually indicates a

current infection. IgM consists of (blank) arranged in a pentagon structure. The

numerous antigen-binding sites make it very

effective in agglutinating antigens and in reactions

involving complement.

five Y-shaped


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50- Flashcard

is too large to cross the

plaenta and does not confer maternal immunity.


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51- Flashcard

is the most abundant of the circulating

antibodies. It readily crosses the walls of blood

vessels and enters tissue fluids.


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also crosses

the placenta and confers passive immunity on the

fetus. protects against bacteria, viruses, and

toxins in the blood and lymph, and triggers action

of the complement system.


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is produced by cells in mucous membrane.


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main function of IgA is to prevent the attachement

pf viruses and bacteria to

epithelial surfaces.

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also found in many body secretions, such as saliva,

perspiration, and tears.


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Its presence in the first

(blank) produced helps protect the infant from

gastrointestinal infections.


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antibodies do not activate the complement

system and cannot cross the placenta.


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They are

mostly found on the surfaces of

B cells,

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They are

mostly found on the surfaces of B cells, probably

functioning as antigen receptors that help initiate

the differentiation of B cells into plamsa cells and

memory B cells.


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molecules are slightly larger than IgG and

represent only a small fraction of the antibodies in

the blood.


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