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41- Flashcard

What was the main reason for this group wanting to maintain a separate identity?

They wanted to maintain a separate identity in order to deal with the local issues of Assam.

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42- Flashcard

What decision was made at the seventeenth session of the Assam Association?

At the seventeenth session of the Assam Association, it was decided that they would join the non-cooperation movement and follow the directives of Congress on matters regarding this movement.

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43- Flashcard

When did Assam's movement merge with national politics?

The movement in Assam merged with national politics with the formation of the Assam Provincial Congress Committee in June 1921.

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44- Flashcard

When did the Non-cooperation movement in Assam reach its climax?

The Non-cooperation movement in Assam reached its climax with the visit of Gandhi to Assam in August 1921.

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45- Flashcard

How did people respond to Gandhi's appeal during his visit to Assam?

Responding to Gandhi's appeal, people joined the boycott movement by organising huge bonfires of British goods. They also boycotted government educational institutions under the leadership of local leaders.

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46- Flashcard

Who were some prominent youth leaders of the Non-cooperation movement in Assam?

Some prominent youth leaders of the Non-cooperation movement in Assam were Lakhidhar Sarma, Rohinikanta Hatibarua, Bimalakanta Barua, Kanak Chandra Barua, Benudhar Sarma, and Tilak Sarma.

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47- Flashcard

Where were the national schools opened up due to the growing influence of the movement?

The national schools were opened up at Gauhati, Nalbari, Jorhat, Tezpur, Sibsagar, Nowgong, Karimganj and Maulvibazar.

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48- Flashcard

When was the first national school established and where?

The first national school was established at Gauhati in February 1921.

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49- Flashcard

What was the name of the first national school and why was it named so?

The first national school was named as Tilak Memorial School in memory of Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

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50- Flashcard

Where did the Tilak Memorial School initially start functioning from?

The Tilak Memorial School initially started functioning from Rohini Kumar Chaudhury’s residence at Bharalumukh.

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51- Flashcard

What was one of the major impacts of the movement in Assam?

One of the major impacts of the movement in Assam was a significant fall in opium consumption.

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52- Flashcard

How much did opium consumption decrease as a result of this movement?

As a result of this movement, opium consumption fell from 1615 maunds in 1920-21 to 993 maunds in 1922-23.

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53- Flashcard

What did the tea garden labourers protest against?

The tea garden labourers protested against the colonial exploitation on them.

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54- Flashcard

When did around 8,000 labourers of thirteen tea gardens come together to protest?

In May 1921, around 8,000 labourers of thirteen tea gardens came together to protest.

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55- Flashcard

Where did the protest of the tea garden labourers take place in May 1921?

The protest took place in the Chargola and Longai valley of Karimganj subdivision.

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56- Flashcard

Under whose leadership did the tea garden labourers protest?

The tea garden labourers protested under the Congress leadership.

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57- Flashcard

What were the demands of the protesting tea garden labourers?

The protesting tea garden labourers demanded a huge wage increase.

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58- Flashcard

What was the reaction of the planters to the exodus of labourers?

Unnerved by such exodus of labourers, the planters started pressurising the district administration to use force to bring them back.

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59- Flashcard

When was the Indian National Congress formed?

The Indian National Congress was formed in 1885.

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60- Flashcard

What marked the beginning of a new era in the freedom movement of India?

The formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 marked the beginning of a new era in the freedom movement of India.

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