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61- Flashcard

a filamentous green alga,strictly EPIPHYTIC and in no way parasitic


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62- Flashcard

The basal cells of the unbranched filaments form


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Oedogonium terminal cell of each filament is


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The name Oedogonium comes from a word meaning

“swollen reproductive cell”

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what reproductive cells bulge noticeably


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Oedogonium mode of production

In asexual reproduction, zoospores are produced. Sexual reproduction is oogamous

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Green alga composed of tiny spherical cells, reproduce by forming either daughter cells or autospores through mitosis


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kind of cells often remain together in packets,


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what  formed inside the parent cells grow to full size as the parent cell wall breaks down.


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favorite organism of research scientists; It has been used in many major investigations of photosynthesis and respiration, and in the future, it may become important in human nutrition.


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could also play a key role in long-range space exploration


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present exploration is severely limited by

the weight of oxygen tanks and food supplies needed on a spacecraft,

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Desmids number of species

2,500 species

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Their chloroplasts are among the most beautiful seen in green algae.


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water nets


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 may be asexually produced inside a parent cell and eventually release

daughter net

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Desmids mode of production

Sexual reproduction is isogamous

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The zygotes become


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This alga has been used in classic experiments demonstrating the nucleus’s influence on the cell’s form.


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80- Flashcard

mode of production of Acetabularia

Sexual reproduction is also isogamous

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