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Developing Chamber Commonly made of () with glass tanks being the preferred material due to their clarity and chemical


glass, plastic or

stainless steel

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4. Detecting or visualizing agents – Two methods:

Nonspecific Method and Specific Method.

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where the number of spots can be detected but not the exact

nature of type of compound.

Non-Specific Method

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Specific spray reagents or detecting agent or visualizing agent are

used to find out the nature of compound.

Specific Method

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Non-Specific Method Example:

Iodine Chamber Method-

UV Chamber for fluorescent compound

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Where brown or amber spots are observed when

the TLC plates kept in a tank with few iodine crystals at the bottom.

Iodine Chamber Method-

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When compound are viewed

under UV Chamber at 254 nm or 365 nm fluorescent compound can be


UV Chamber for fluorescent compound

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Specific spray reagents or detecting agent or visualizing agent are

used to find out the nature of compound.

Specific Method

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Specific Method Example:

Ferric Chloride

Ninhydrin in Acetone

Dragendroff Reagents

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– For phenolic compounds and tannins

Ferric Chloride

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For amino acids

Ninhydrin in Acetone

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For alkaloids

Dragendroff Reagents

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The spots are kept at the bottom portion of the paper and kept in a

chamber with mobile phase solvent at the bottom.

Ascending Development

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– In this method solvent moves from top to bottom.

Descending Type

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Only length of separation increased, first ascending

takes place followed by descending.

Ascending-Descending Development

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The solvent flows through a wick at the center & spreads in all

directions uniformly.

Circular/Radial Development

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Uses two solvents and rotates the paper 90 degrees in between. Also known

as two-way chromatography.


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1. Paper chromatography cannot handle large amounts of samples.

2. Paper chromatography is ineffective in quantitative analysis.

3. Paper chromatography cannot separate complex mixtures.

4. Less accurate than HPLC or HPTLC

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Paper chromatography has evolved over the years and has found widespread applications in separation of

molecules of different polarities. Innumerable applications have been reported in analysis of different

classes of compounds such as:

o Amino acids and organic acids

o Alkaloids

o Polysaccharides

o Proteins and peptides

o Natural and artificial pigments

o Inorganic cations

o Plant extracts

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Widely employed laboratory technique and is similar to paper chromatography. However,

instead of using a stationary phase of paper, it involves a stationary phase of a thin layer of

adsorbent like silica gel, alumina, or cellulose.

Thin layer Chromatography

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