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81- Flashcard

It is faster than paper chroma, better separation, and the choice between different adsorbents.


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82- Flashcard

A technique used to isolate (). The experiment is conducted on a sheet of

()which is coated with a thin layer of adsorbent material.

non-volatile mixtures, aluminum foil, plastic, or glass

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a simple, quick, and inexpensive procedure that gives the chemist a quick answer as to how

many components are in a mixture.


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is also used to support the identity of a compound in a mixture when the Rf of a

compound is compared with the Rf of a known compound (preferably both run on the same

TLC plate).

TLC is

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one of the easiest and most versatile methods of doing this because of its low cost, simplicity,

quick development time, high sensitivity, and good reproducibility.

Thin layer Chromatography

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used by many industries and fields of research, including pharmaceutical production, clinical

analysis, industrial chemistry, environmental toxicology, food chemistry, water, inorganic,

and pesticide analysis, dye purity, cosmetics, plant materials, and herbal analysis.

Thin layer Chromatography

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In its simplest form, glass plates are coated with a uniform layer of

silica gel (SiO2).

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Thin layer Chromatography aka

planar chromatography.

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The components will() in solubility and in the strength of their adsorption to the adsorbent and some

components will be carried farther up the plate than others. When the solvent has reached the top of the

plate, the plate is () from the developing chamber, dried, and the separated components of the

mixture are visualized.

differ, removed

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used when the stationary phase is polar. Example: Silica gel and the mobile

phase is an organic solvent or a mixture of organic solvents which is less polar than the stationary


Normal Phase

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when the stationary phase is a silica bonded with an organic substrate such as

long chain aliphatic acid..

Reverse Phase

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3 Components:

a. TLC Plate

b. TLC Chamber

c. Solvent phase

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(Stationary Phase)

TLC Plate

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(Mobile Phase)

Solvent phase

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These are stable and chemically inert plates, where a thin layer of stationary phase is applied on its whole

surface layer.


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TLC plates (also known as


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can be prepared in the lab, but are most commonly


TLC plates

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are among the most common stationary phases, but others

are available as well.

Silica gel and alumina

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Silica Gel Acidic or Basic


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