Study Set Content:
101- Flashcard



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102- Flashcard

Cellulose Powder


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103- Flashcard

Silica Gel Components to be separated

Acidic and Neutral Substances

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104- Flashcard


Basic and Neutral

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105- Flashcard

Cellulose Powder

Soluble Compounds

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106- Flashcard

Silica gel with average particle

size 15 micrometer containing

ca 13% calcium sulfate binding


Silica Gel g

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107- Flashcard

Silica gel G with fluorescence


Silica Gel G254

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108- Flashcard

powder of less than 30

micrometer particle size.


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109- Flashcard

Used in wide range

pharmacopoeial test

Silica Gel g

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110- Flashcard

Identification of Tetracycline


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111- Flashcard

Same application with Silica gel

G where visualization is to be

carried out under UV light

Silica Gel G254

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112- Flashcard

Mobile Phase – Commonly used:

Ethyl acetate, Hexane and Volatile organic solvents.

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113- Flashcard

Mainly used as solvent, developer, and as eluent.


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114- Flashcard

Commonly employed mobile phases in the chromatography are as follows:

● Petroleum Ether

● Esters

● Carbon tetra chloride

● Chloroform

● Cyclohexane

● Methanol

● Ether

● Ethanol

● Acetone

● Water

● Benzene

● Toluene

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115- Flashcard

It keeps the dust particles out of the process and prevents solvent from

evaporating. () and () is one of the factors that needs to be considered.

TLC CHAMBER, Humidity and Temperature

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116- Flashcard


● Used in the determination of the impurities from which the purity of the compounds is determined.

● Used in the identification of the compounds: Stramonium

● Lead constituents are identified

● Steroids are identified

● Phenothiazines are identified

● Used in the determination of analgesics

● Example: Paracetamol and analgen

● Used in the determination of biologically active substances.

● Used in the determination of preservatives, oxidants, surfactants, and fixed oils.

● Used in the determination of pesticides in the water.

● Used in the determination of inorganic ions

● Used in the determination of the reaction rate.

● Used in the determination of amino acids and peptides.

● Used in the analysis of the ink.

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117- Flashcard

is an analytical technique used to separate and detect the chemical

components of a sample mixture to determine their presence or absence and/or quantities.

Gas Chromatography

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118- Flashcard

Gas Chromatography These chemical components are usually

organic molecules or gases.

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119- Flashcard

a term used to describe the group of analytical separation techniques used to analyze volatile

substances in the gas phase.

Gas Chromatography

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120- Flashcard

one of the sole forms of chromatography that does not utilize the mobile phase for interacting

with the analyte.

Gas Chromatography

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